Shine Educational Consulting provides individualized consultation and Academic Coaching services to meet the needs of students, parents, and schools in supporting student growth.
Academic Coaching
Every student learns and shows what they know differently! Academic Coaching will help your child go from being overwhelmed by school to being a confident and self-sufficient student. Coaching does this by teaching your child efficient study habits, organizational tools, and ways to increase their motivation. Most importantly, coaching will promote positive attitudes towards school and learning! Coaching begins with a free initial consultation with the parent/student. After that initial consultation, I offer a free “Tackle the Semester” planning session with the student. Ongoing coaching sessions are provided on a weekly 1:1 basis throughout the semester or school year.
Consultation for Schools
Every school and district has unique needs when it comes to consultation support. My consultation approach is individualized and starts with a virtual or phone consultation. I support schools with the implementation of data driven practices such as Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS), Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS) and other evidence-based academic and behavioral systems.
Consultation for Families
Every family and every child is different. My consultation is individualized to you and your child’s needs and starts with an initial consultation. With a deep knowledge of Special Education processes and procedures as well as behavioral interventions I help families support their children in reaching their educational and behavioral goals.